The many ways you can support Pacific Lyric Association
Supporting a local opera production company like Pacific Lyric Association is a wonderful way to contribute to the arts and culture in our community and in our schools. Not all require money
Ways you can help us:
Buy tickets:
Although revenue from ticket sales covers only about 30-40% of our costs, they still are a big part of our funding the rest is paid for through the generosity of donors, small and large, who value the arts. Do you work for a large company? You can ask your Human Resources department to add tickets to our operas to the available benefits
Donations can be one-time gifts or recurring monthly or annual contributions. Contributions to PLA are tax deductible, we are a non-profit under the IRS 501c3 statute.
If you have a business or connections to local businesses, encourage them to sponsor, advertise with, make financial contributions or donate services to Pacific Lyric Association. And again, they are tax deductible under IRS statute 501c3
Comment, react (like, even better love) our social media posts, tag friends or businesses. Doing that helps us increase our reach on social media and make businesses aware of PLA
Talk to your children's music teachers about taking students to our rehearsal, they are free to students, their teachers and Gold Star families Click here for our Rehearsal page
Leave a review
Writing reviews not only helps other know about the quality of PLA and our productions, they also help us get more exposure on search engines like Google and social media like Facebook